Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Activities to Encourage Social Interaction

Hi there...! As usual when its tuesday/wednesday, we'll be coming back here again with loads of stuff to share with. As I 'googling' around, I found this helpful website that discuss about interesting activities that can be done in order to get the shy kids interacting socially.

There must be few reasons why students are afraid to interact in class. Sometimes the teacher herself had no idea why it is happening. Maybe the kids are hungry, moody, shy, having low self-esteem and afraid he/she might get a 'boo' from the other classmates. So, first and foremost... if you are concerned about your child’s social behaviour then become proactive and plan a number of activities to encourage social interaction.
Activity 1: Role Play at Home
As mentioned in Kid's Behaviour websites, some children avoid social interaction with others their own age because they do not feel confident in their social skills. Of course young children may not be able to verbalise this lack of confidence, but a general confusion about what to do with, or how to talk to, others could be clues that this is the case.
One easy way to clear this confusion is to role play at home. Without turning it into a lesson, “play pretend” with a child to allow him or her to get used to interacting with others. Pretend to be the butcher, the baker, the teacher or even a fellow peer and allow your child to practice making eye contact, making small talk and even politely ending an interaction. When (s)he seems comfortable with these steps, then look for ways to have him or her interact with others.
 Anyway, in any activity that will be held in class.. it's important for you (as a teacher) to know your own roles which are...
  • Watch for children who are having trouble finding play partners. Invite these children to join an activity. For example, "Sam, we are starting a role play game. Would you like to join?"
  • Draw attention to mutual interests among the children. Comment on the things children have in common and make suggestions that draw them into social play. For example, "Bill, I notice you like to play as a policeman. Sue is also will be played as policewoman. Perhaps you two can work together and become team mates!"
  • Show your enthusiasm for children's social interactions. Positive attention will increase the likelihood that social interactions continue.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Tips to Improve Your Social Skill

Learn new tips in how to mingle and engage to improve your social skill.
      By: Puja Lawani
            Published: 3/12/2010

1. Start Off with Being Positive
-Starts your day with smile and hope. Stop being pessimist, complaining about all the wrong that life had put you through. Maintaining you positive thinking and attitude and it will attract more people into your life.

2.Build Your Self-Esteem
-See only good things and values in yourself and it also will project it to other people.Thinking that you are not good enough is just a waste and make you alone in this world. Renew your self image and starts a better social interaction.

3. Listen More than Talk
-Listening skill is very important in a good social interaction.  You have to listen what other parties want to say first, only then you can response to it. Do not be self-centered at the same time do not ignore yourself.Sometimes, people are not looking for  advice but someone to listen to their problem.

4. Show Interest in Other People and Their Lives
- genuine interest in others live but not mean you be too inquisitive. Always up date about what happenings in their life and vice versa.

5. Actions do Speak Louder than Words
-Your body can actually tell if you mean what you say.

6. Be Diplomatic or Be Silent
- if you cant say something nice about anyone, do not say anything at all. if u do, it will hurt other people.

Hope you will have a better social life after practicing these tips. Thank you.

Photos and cartoons


Source: 1. www.Cartoonstock.com 
                                          2. google image (social interaction & social skill)

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We are working on a new item to be posted here and it is still under construction..
be patient and u'll soon be rewarded... ;')
